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Police Long Service Good Conduct LSGC Medal GVI Full Size

(1 customer review)

£61.00 (Inc. Vat)

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Police LS & GC Medal GVI Full Size

Date: 1951 – 1952

Branch of Service: Police Forces

Initially awarded for 22 years service, this was reduced to 20 years in 2010.  Instituted in 1951 but service prior to this date is taken into account.

Branch of Service: Police Forces.

Ribbon: Dark blue with twin white stripes towards each end.

Original Metal: Original issue cupro-nickel, now rhodium plated

Size: 36mm.

Description: The obverse of this medal bears the effigy of the reigning monarch while the reverse has the figure of Justice with scales in her left hand and a wreath in her right surrounded by the inscription ‘FOR EXEMPLARY POLICE SERVICE’. The suspender is straight and found in both swivelling and non-swivelling formats.

Can be engraved with recipients details