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Memorial Plaque World War 1 Death Plaque

£49.50 (Inc. Vat)

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  • The memorial plaque was always engraved with the name of the deceased. Originally in raised letters, Bigbury Mint uses the “Diamond Drag” method of engraving.
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Memorial Plaque World War 1 Death Plaque

Memorial Plaque World War 1 Death Plaque shows Britannia bestowing a laurel crown on a rectangular tablet bearing the full name of the dead in raised lettering. In front stands the British lion, with dolphins in the upper field, an oak branch lower right, and a lion cub clutching a fallen eagle in the exergue. The inscription round the circumference reads HE (or SHE) DIED FOR FREEDOM AND HONOVR. A parchment scroll was issued with each plaque giving the deceased’s name and unit.

Given, with a parchment scroll, to the next of kin of those who lost their lives on active service during the War. Originally it was thought that Naval and Army plaques differed because of the width of the “H” in “HE” however examples of narrow “H” plaques found to Army units and wide “H” plaques to the Navy indicates this to be incorrect. The most likely reason for the narrower “H” is the later decision to add an “S” to allow for female casualty plaques.

Date: 1919.

Campaign: First World War.

Branch of Service: British forces.

Ribbon: None.

Original Metal: Bronze.

Size: 120mm.